We offer several discounts and rewards for our customers. YOU MUST BE logged in to receive some of these benefits (except free shipping and quantity discounts).
If you do not have an account, click the login link in the top left and then click Create Account. It's simple, it's convenient, strictly private, there's no cost and no obligation, just benefits.
You will receive:
* FREE SHIPPING on US domestic (customers in the US) orders over $15 !
* 10% off any individual product.
* Additional quantity discounts (depending on product up to) -
2 - 3 of a product = 20% Discount
4 - 7 of a product = 30% Discount
8 + of a product = 40% Discount
* Cash value reward points (worth 5% of your total order) on each purchase which converts to a cash voucher you can then redeem on your next visit. (Must be used within 12 months.)
* Monthly promotions and freebies sent to you via email or added free with orders.
* Referral Program - send a referral customer to us and you will earn 20% cash back rewards on all their purchases.
When you are logged into our system, your account options will show in a My Account menu on the lower left hand side where you can check your rewards or learn more.
We thank you for your valued patronage.