For the Love of Food, What We Eat Can Heal

For the Love of Food, What We Eat Can Heal

I believe many of us have lost sight of the fundamental and crucial role food plays in our lives. We are so busy with other things and often grab it on the go, a bothersome necessity that has become almost an afterthought. I was recently struck during an episode of The Colbert Report when the inventor of a food substitute (powdered food) was declaring that many people (particularly of a certain generation) were simply too busy to have to deal with constant requirements of preparation, ingestion and cleanup, and so we need a quick and easy way to get our necessary caloric intake. With this kind of an attitude to food, no wonder there are so many sick, unhappy people!

It seems sad that food has lost its stature.

Really! It's no understatement because as obvious as it is to say that food is the source of all health, I swear you wouldn't know it from people's approaches. The ayurvedic tradition has a core belief that essentially says that when your diet is incorrect, medicine is of no use, and when your diet is correct, medicine is of no need. So, if you have health issues, are taking drugs, or are just looking to maximize your health, it's time to rethink your relationship with food.

Modern medicine has decided one thing is sure: most sickness has its roots in some form of inflammation in the body. These days, having pretty much conquered our natural environmental hazards (other than the ones we create), everything that goes wrong in your body will probably start from your diet. And everything that makes it better or worse will come from your diet. From headaches and allergies to arthritis and cancer, many illnesses can be improved or exacerbated by food.

Eating the right foods is the path to your happy, healthy, worry-free life. In earlier times, if people got sick, they would refuse to pay the local doctor. Doctors were there to keep you healthy, not cure you of sickness. Don't get me wrong, there are times when it is good to have the medical profession, but we have surrendered control over our health, and lost focus on what the root of the problem is. Eating your way to health is your right and responsibility.

So let's begin a new love affair with food.

Let's get back to the truth that food sustains and heals us, and that if we are to have a passion for anything, it should at least be for food. Loving food means loving health and ultimately, yourself. We are planning to embark on a long journey, posting thoughts, articles and reports on the benefits of various foods and botanicals that have special stature as bringers of wellness. It is important to know the difference between what is good for you and what causes inflammation and other problems.

Plus it is worth saying that the joy of food is not just in the taste, but in the experience. Preparation can add another ingredient to the recipe ... love. Food can be energized by the sentiment and intention brought to its preparation. Let's not forget that making your own food also prevents the biggest problem of all, the processing of food. Whole food sources are the hero of the story. Processed foods are the villain.

We plan to shine the spotlight on the best foods to nourish us. Individually, we will talk about what makes each one valuable, and then we will share ways of getting them into your daily diet. We want to discuss the difference between which oils are doing good things to you and which are not; which proteins are inflammatory and which are anti-inflammatory; which herbs and spices will bring vitality and reduce inflammation. Knowledge is health.

So as an introductory syllabus to a healthy diet, here are the broad goals:

1. Eat only whole, unprocessed foods, and eat smaller meals more often.

2. Reduce unhealthy fats (saturated, trans fats) and increase healthy fats (omega-3s, unsaturated fats.)

3. Eliminate unhealthy carbohydrates like sugars, refined flours, high glycemic starches.

4. Focus on the right vegetables and fruits for you.

5. Learn how herbs, spices and botanicals can really help, and then get them into your meals.

6. Finally, find your own list of no-go foods, because we all react differently, so figuring out what your body doesn't like is crucial.

Yes, we are indeed what we eat. If you are looking for potent, vital, happy, stress-free state of health, then nature has the answer. Food is life, and life should be joy. So let's find the joy in food.

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The opinions expressed in this article are of the author. Content and other information presented on the site are not meant to be medical advice or any substitute for professional advice, counseling, diagnosis, or treatment. Never delay or disregard professional medical or mental health advice from your physician or other qualified health provider.