Welcome to our Health & Nutrition Blog!

Understanding Memory and How to Enhance it

We take a look into what makes memory work and what choices we can make to boost our memory and brain health and function. Read more...

The Unavoidable Need for Nutritional Supplements

There is a crisis in our soil that is preventing us from getting critical nutrients for optimal health. Read why supplements are a necessity until we fix the problem. Read more...

Multiple Health Benefits of Chamomile

Say chamomile and immediately people think of the relaxing tea. But chamomile has an impressive array of health benefits that are worth exploring. Read more...

5 Creative Ways to Relieve Stress, Relax Quickly

If you are looking for a quick and safe way to relieve stress and feel more relaxed, here are five creative things to do that are easy, natural, and highly effective. Read more...

Piperine - Supplements are Better with Bio-Enhancement

Possibly one of the most important of compounds when it comes to supplements is piperine. This extract from the peppercorn increases the potency of other nutrients, so it is highly beneficial to supplement bio-availability and effectiveness. Read more...

Fat Storage & Insulin - Why You Can't Lose Weight

Can't seem to lose weight? You may not be eating too much, or exercising too little. Excess fat storage can be avoided by eating the right food andunderstanding why insulin may be to blame. Read more...

Aloe Vera as Food - Health Benefits Beyond Ointment

You surely know of aloe vera as an ointment, but research confirms that it is one of the most beneficial plants and should be a regular part of our diets. We explain why. Read more...

The Marvel of Vinpocetine for Better Brain Health

With age related mental decline on the rise, and so many factors affecting our focus, memory, and acuity, one plant has proven highly beneficial for optimizing brain health. We discuss the remarkable vinpocetine for better cerebral function. Read more...

Magnesium is Critical for Good Health

Without question, one of the most important minerals to our overall health is magnesium. Too often overlooked when addressing health concerns, we take a look at why it is so crucial to so many functions. Read more...

How Phosphatidylserine Improves Sleep Quality

Getting good quality sleep is more important and more difficult than ever. Phosphatidylserine is a natural, nutritional alternative for helping relax, feel and sleep better. Read more...

Benefits of the Adaptogen Rhodiola as a Vitality Tonic

We are passionate about the remarkable plant Rhodiola, with its host of benefits from energy booster to anti-depressant to mental acuity enhancer. Find out more about this amazing adaptogen. Read more...

Depression? Anxiety? Phenylalanine May be the Answer.

For people suffering from anxiety or depression, an essential amino acid, phenylalanine, may hold the natural solution. We take a look at how it helps as a mood enhancer. Read more...

Why You Should Know How Energy is Produced in the Body

Knowing how your body converts food into energy will help you to maximize your energy stores and levels, keeping you vital and full of charge. Learn how to recognize causes of fatigue and address them. Read more...

5-HTP - One of the Best Natural Mood Enhancers & Natural Antidepressants

When it comes to elevating mood and reducing anxiety, 5-HTP is one of the best natural alternatives. By raising serotonin levels, this amino acid may hold the answers to a better state of mind. Read more...

More Benefits of Resveratrol - Anti-bacterial Acne Treatment

Resveratrol continues to impress us with its wide range of health benefits. We examine new studies that show it works as an anti-bacterial agent to prevent and kill acne. Read more...

Why are Stimulant Drugs, Energy Pills, Drinks so Popular?

Stimulants have been a part of modern society for two hundred years and are an expression of our need to make things happen faster and easier. We take a look at what makes them so popular. Read more...

The Importance of Being Alkaline - Know Your pH !

Although everyone knows the term pH, few people understand just how critical your pH level is to maintaining good health. We revisit the basics of acids and alkalis to underscore the importance of keeping good balance and what it means if you don't. Read more...

Is Natural Deer Antler Velvet a Performance Enhancing Drug?

Following the Ray Lewis controversy, antler velvet has been labeled a performance-enhancing drug and banned from use and sale by many organizations and retailers. We explain what is really going on and why this is a mistake. Read more...

The Secret to Effective Weight Loss with NEAT

You may be missing an excellent approach to losing weight and burning excess fat called non-exercise activity thermogenesis, and it just might be the biggest weapon in your weight loss program. Learn to love movement and embrace NEAT. Read more...

Understanding Energy Usage is Crucial to Weight Loss

Healthy weight is fundamental to good health and to avoiding many lifestyle diseases like cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Understanding the process of energy production in the human body is critical to making smarter choices about how to maintain ideal weight. We break down why. Read more...
Showing 60 to 80 of 108 (4 Pages)