Reasons Not to Get Your Pep Boost From Energy Drinks

Reasons Not to Get Your Pep Boost From Energy Drinks

The truth about energy drinks is scary!

Over the last few years, scientific evidence has been mounting about the adverse effects of energy drinks, and as the truth about this product format trickles out to the public, perspectives are slowly shifting. So what are the issues with the drink approach to raising energy levels and why is it such a bad idea?

A couple of years ago, 5-Hour Energy hit the news as reports came out linking the product to almost 100 cases of hospitalized patients including 13 deaths. The major manufacturers like Rockstar, Red Bull and Monster were all implicated in similar allegations. A survey from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that energy drink-related emergency room visits doubled from 10,000 to 20,000 visits from 2007 to 2011. Another report  found 11% of total emergency room visits related to energy drink consumption involved children ages 12 to 17. 

Moreover, scientific findings apperared suggesting energy drinks may cause “significant morbidity in adolescents” from elevated blood pressure, to brain seizures and severe cardiac events. One recent case of a young girl in Mexico exemplifies the situation when after a day at the beach where she drank several energy drinks, 16-year-old Lanna Hamann went into cardiac arrest and died. Although the exact causes are unknowable, there was agreement that the mix of sun and too many energy drinks was at the root.

The American Academy of Pediatrics stated that “energy drinks have no therapeutic benefit to children” and that the ingredients in these products “may put some children at risk for adverse health events.” Considering how many teens were visiting hospitals with related issues, congress made a statement urging companies to cease promoting energy drinks to under 18s.

In addition, reports surfaced showing that the caffeine amounts were excessively high in many drinks, and were often reported on the label as being far lower than actual content, and in some cases, not listed at all. On top of this, many containers had more than 1 serving, so the consumer was potentially ingesting extreme amounts of stimulants -- particularly problematic for children.

When you add the other ingredients, especially sugar, or even worse, sugar substitutes like aspartame, the health risks of these products becomes significant, and the FDA is already considering new regulations, along with numerous court filings against manufacturers. The sad truth is that the formulas are mostly large amounts of caffeine, taurine, and synthetic vitamins. There is little precision here, it's a shotgun blast approach, and the result is an increasing number of adverse incidents, some even life-threatening.

Bottom line, there are much better ways to raise your energy levels.

What this all adds up to is a clear message that if you need an energy boost, and you can't get it naturally with food or lifestyle choices, then a supplement is the best option. There are no calories, no artificial or chemical ingredients, much less risk of over-consumption or adverse risks, especially for minors.

I am not saying all energy supplements are safe to use, far from it. The supplements industry suffers in much the same way of using cheap and pedestrian ingredients in a poorly balanced mix. But there are quality energy pill formulas out there. Look for a well-balanced, organic supplement that has real science behind the ingredients and where the amounts of each are precise and well-synergized. It's not just what you put in it, but how the nutrients interact to create a whole. If the product has more than 200mg of caffeine per dose, avoid it.

Our own approach with our organic energy supplement JUMPSTART is to mix a specific amount of caffeine (low dose) with synephrine (low dose), which are proven to enhance each other safely and effectively at these levels. Then we add some mood elevators because a large part of vitality is mental, and most importantly, we include support anti-oxidants and adaptogens like ginseng and rhodiola to maintain homeostasis and prevent physical stress to the body. When properly combined, these nutrients will maximize energy, focus, and mood smoothly over a few hours without the jitteriness that is so common in many stimulants, and then leave you without side-effects or crash. We really wanted to create an effective, quality energy boosting product that would evenly raise levels over time without overwhelming the body or causing problems. We believe it is a scalpel approach rather than a hacksaw one, and that's what people really need.

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The opinions expressed in this article are of the author. Content and other information presented on the site are not meant to be medical advice or any substitute for professional advice, counseling, diagnosis, or treatment. Never delay or disregard professional medical or mental health advice from your physician or other qualified health provider.